Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

I would like to find a new tennis friend that is rated around 3.5.  I live in West Knox, but I'm pretty open to playing anywhere around town.  Let me know if you are interested.



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I'm still looking for a new hitting partner!  Hoping to find someone before it gets too cold out.


I saw your post. I am also looking for someone to hit with. I live in west Knoxville and am reasonably available. Shoot me a text or a call at 865-816-4309

Hi Keith,

Saw your post. I, too, am looking for a hitting partner.  I live in West Knox at the Papermill exit area.  My schedule these days is pretty hit and miss, but would love to try to get together sometime soon to hit some. 

Take Care,

Matthew K.



I am a 3.5 and would like to get together and play. You can call me at 765 532 6785.



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