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I can play most mornings until 9:30 and some evenings after 7. Prefer National Tennis Center. nick_spangler at

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Hi Nick,

If you're still looking for partner(s), let me know perhaps we can connect.  I play at NTC nearly every night, and can make a trip out early am if the tennis is good (which I know it would be, based on your double bagel win -- congrats!).  I'm in Williamsburg and play at both Mccarren and NTC regularly, I have my partners, but you can never have too many good partners.  I am also on your USTA league so if you wanna partner with whom to practice, it would be good to get to know another guy on the league.  I'll see you this Friday (5/10) at any rate.



Would you like to play Monday? I could do morning or evening, NTC or Mccarren. Mccaren's decent but NTC surface is superior, I'm guessing.


Hi Nicholas.  My name is Michael Chan and I'm about a 3.75 skill level.  I'm looking for someone to elevate me to the next level; mind if we get together and hit?

I come to the Bayside Terrace bubble (next to the Bayside mall) all the time for my son's tennis, usually from 5p-7p weekdays and some Saturdays. Can do daytime as well. Want to hit?


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