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The Petko Dunk! | WTA at Brisbane International tennis tournament 2012

Petkovic debuted a new move after her first round match win against Shahar Peer 76(2) 16 63.

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Comment by Tim Prapong on January 9, 2012 at 6:28pm

Petkovic's father Zoran tells the Sydney Morning Herald that his daughter has changed her post match victory "Petko Dance" after complaints from players and American media. The 24-year-old is now celebrating by imitating a slam dunk action inspired by German soccer player Bastian Schweinsteiger.

"[People] didn't tell me to my face and I don't read about myself so I wouldn't know [if there was criticism], but the questions they started saying, 'Don't you feel like it's disrespectful towards your opponent?'  and this question came up over and over again," Andrea Petkovic said. "The thing I used to say was always, 'Listen, the soccer players when they shoot a goal and they celebrate with all kinds of things and they don't even win the match, and nobody would ever say something against them. Or the American football guys, when they do a touchdown they do a cha-cha-cha and nobody ever says anything against them.' It's strange — on the one hand the Americans really like me and they come to my matches, but they're like really bipolar. They either love me or they hate me."


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