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An Unexpected Journey : Fuzzy Yellow Balls

FYB has redefined how we learn tennis in the internet age. Will and Adam are good friends of mine, but I would recommend FYB to anyone wanting to improve their game even if we never met. Go to FYB and sign up for free content, you won't be disappointed.

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Comment by Tim Prapong on December 19, 2011 at 7:45pm

I like his strategy stuff, i.e. Djoko vs. Nadal on the marker board. But it takes awhile for him to get to the "meat" of the strategy, like Coach V says. The footage at Indian Wells with practice sessions are good too. I've used them for a resource.

But alot of high school kids I was coaching would not seek further info on tennis technique after checking out FYB. It's almost as if they were already satisfied with his info, when they needed more.

For instance, I had them rehearse hitting an approach shot and finish off a volley. They had been on FYB but did not know how to do this. Will is right in this video, FYB needs to show "plays" or drills that emphasize how to win with patterned strategies. As soon as I showed the kids this, our next high school match outing was much more successful.

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on December 19, 2011 at 5:05am

As allays. very long winded. :'{

I can never make it completely though his videos.

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