Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Any neighbourhood in the city is good for me.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I just moved to Sherman Oaks from the Central Valley and am looking to get back into the game!
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I live right on the outskirts of Portland, near Gresham
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Wish to play early mornings at the USTA National Center
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I live 2 blocks from the Eastwood Park Tennis Courts
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Long Beach, CA (I work all over in the South Bay)
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Belong to the san diego tennis and racquet club on tecolote
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Leimert Park, near the Dorsey High or Crenshaw High tennis courts
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: North of HWY24 at the west end of town (Lafayette reservoir)
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Pacifica specifically, but I'll drive around the peninsula for a partner.
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