Sitting at a café in Cyprus as we speak, man I should have had time to post a blog yesterday but I did not have any. Oh well, enough time to write a blogpost I believe. Professional athletes use of steroids, is something I would like to discuss. The first person that comes into peoples mind is usually Rafael Nadal and it has been quite a topic for discussion during these last years. While some claim that he and many other top players on the ATP Wourldtour are using steroids, others say that it is impossible because of how many times a year these athletes are tested.
My personal opinion is this: I do not believe that any pro is using steroids today, there is a slight possibility that they did at young age during training, even if that would be terrible I think that is as far as it goes.
But lets play with the thought. Money dominates this world. Top players like Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic are complete money machines. They sell everything they wear and the racquet industry is very dependent on the success of these tennis players. What if there was such an immense pressure comming from the industry, that even if they knew that a player was on steroids, they would never be able to do anything to change it.
Imagine what a disqualification of Rafael Nadal would do to tennis apparel and racquet sales in Spain? And in the rest of the world for that matter.
There is no logic, (in a business perspective ofcourse), to reveal someone like Nadal using steroids. It would ruin the industry not only in apparel and racquet sales. People would loose their faith in the ATP Committee, they would loose faith in the sport and in the tennis players. Revealing something like this to the public would make alot of people unemployed.

I still don't know what I am trying to say. The world is sometimes rotten, the primary goal of a business industry is solely one thing: Profit.
Could the industry have tainted the sport with their corrupt desire for sales and maximum profit? I hope not, but I tell you what, it has happened in pretty much every industry there is in the world. Let us hope that it has not yet reached the game of tennis.
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