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Im happy with my bracket selections as I have all the qrt finalists but Del Potro,
With Hewitt being the surprise and playing so well he plays Roddick next. Ive put Roddick in the semi but as with Queens this could be very close. Im still going with Rod but if Leyon gets on a role like he ha done this tournament then who knows.
Murray yesterday didnt play too well and scraped thro but he will have it easy with Ferrero. As with Queens the baseliners game is perfect for Murray to manipulate.
Haas won in Halle on grass beating Djokovic and should have beat Fed at RG and I have him in my bracket to beat Nole once again. But II think Nole will win now.
Here is the interesting one Fed v Ivo????????
Fed is playing so well and for me if he gets Ivo out of the way I think he will become the King once more. But and its a big BUT Karlovic can win this. Usually against great returners like Fed he tightens up and loses in 3 or 4 tiebreak sets. I dont know, hes serving 40 aces a game!
My semis are:
Roddick v Murray
Djokovic v Federer
although Murray is the only cert.
Hewitt v Murray
Haas v Karlovic
this wouldnt surprise me.
Either way Murray in the final v Fed or Karlovic ( could he be the next Goran?)
Exciting, what are your picks..................................!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

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Comment by Mark / The Mayor on July 4, 2009 at 1:20pm
I KNEW Andy would beat Andy and I have this thread to prove it to all the doubters! Honestly surprising match. Roddick controled the baseline rallies, and even won a good share of the slice-and-dice points which favor Murray greatly. What happened? I think Murray got behind and struggled with the pressure. He was not aggressive as he is when playing his best tennis. So many points with Murray 8 feet behind the BL, running side to side. I think AM will learn something from this, but I'm sure some tears were shed last night by the young Scot.
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on July 2, 2009 at 7:31am
Great move up the leaderboard Richard!
Good Haaas pick. I think Andy over Andy in the other semi. I think that isn't going to be real close unless Andy gets nervous.
Comment by Anthony on July 1, 2009 at 11:00pm
Yeah Brodyluv and Richard! -Im only one ahead of you R. ha. High five! I had fed-nole and the andys in semi as well :(
Comment by Meags on July 1, 2009 at 3:32pm
This was my bracket semis line up (up to my highest position of 61st!)
Fed over Haas
Murray over ARod
If its a Murray Fed final I think it will be a cracker hopefully 5 sets again??
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on July 1, 2009 at 2:37pm
FED, Andy, aNDY, and Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!
Next: Fed over Haas, and aNDY over Andy!
You can bet on it!
Comment by Meags on June 30, 2009 at 12:23pm
I agree Mark with the Fed thing, everytime he plays Ivo he wins usually like i said 3 or 4 tiebrakers. Karlovic against good returners, fed nadal murray has problems but ive watched all his matches and the grass is suiting him. It will be tight and i expect fed to win, as the game is won and lost by just a few points at this level and as we all know fed loves 4-4, 5-4 usually breaking then.
I re watched the Murray match this morning and as Id had a few glasses of wine forgot how good he actually played, he has an awe about him ala fed and give stan his due its the best ive seen him play.
I am in Mallorca for the final and i hope its a fed murray final, it'll be tough but i hope the young pretender comes of age!
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on June 30, 2009 at 7:26am
Great post. I have picked the same semifinals as you. I correctly picked Karlovic here and definitely picked Haas to go far. Hewitt surprised me - DP was playing so well up to now.

I think Hewitt/ Roddick is a toss up.
Although Murray has not looked fantastic, he does manage to win and I'll take him over JCF.
Haas vs Nole is possibly the most compelling because Haas has always had a chip on his shoulder for never making it to the top and I think he views Nole as over-rated and undeserving. This is Haas' big chance. I picked Nole at the beginning but no so sure now.
And finally, this is where I disagree with you - Fed will win in straights (maybe 4 :-) ). In my memory, Fed always wins this matchup with Karlovic. He can handle the big man's serve and somehow finds a way to win the tiebreaks if and when they get there.

So I gotta stay with my original picks:
Roddick, Murray, Nole, Fed.


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