Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Play Our 2010 Australian Open Bracket Challenge!

Are you ready for the first Grand Slam of the season? Who isn't! Make your picks in our third annual Aussie Open Bracket Challenge. Pick the most winners in the men's draw and show everyone your skills!

STATUS: Entries are now closed. Click here to see the current standings. (If you missed the deadline, don't worry, you can playin our French Open Challenge. Just leave a comment below and we will send you an invite when it is time.) runs a "Battle Of The Boards" in which about 15 different tennis websites compete against one another. We (Tennisopolis) blow the other sites away with the most participants and several players toward the top of the leader board. "Over 800 people from 64 countries have taken part in these contests so far!" So, come support Tennisopolis and have fun following the matches for the next two weeks. Make your picks on this page at BT. Be sure to select the Tennisopolis team name from the drop down menu.

If you need any help, just ask MikeIndo, Jazz, ThePoet, Elaine or me. I'll keep this thread updated, so check this message often to stay up to speed. Good luck, Mark

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Comment by mikeindo on February 22, 2010 at 1:15pm
thanks jazz! i was definitely stoked at that result! i've got miami on the calendar!
Comment by Jazz Burks on February 21, 2010 at 9:03pm
Belated congrats to Minkeindo for coming in 2nd! I came in at 289 It can only get better from here!
Comment by Steven on January 23, 2010 at 3:10pm
I should have added the reason I'm asking - we had one entry from a Kevin from Tennisopolis that got rejected because he had only picked the winners for one round. We also had one from someone called Marti Dinan who made no picks at all and two entries that got rejected because they had no name or other identifying feature on them - based on their IP address, one came from the Netherlands and another from the US (Comcast)
Comment by Steven on January 23, 2010 at 3:07pm
Jae - what name did you enter with?
Comment by Jae on January 22, 2010 at 11:30am
I cant see my results for some reason! :( I dont see my name no where on the site. I wonder what happened?
Comment by Meags on January 22, 2010 at 11:25am
Tennisopolis doing well with a few good performers up at the top in the top 100.

The problem is Mark, Major of TN lurking somewhere down the bottom !!!

Come on Mark, pull your socks up and stop going for the patriotic Isner v Fish final lol
Comment by Steven on January 18, 2010 at 6:26pm
Well done on getting so many entrants. Your current standings link goes to the overall year-round rankings. You actually want for the AO team standings and for the AO individual standings, or the home page for the competition at has all the links on it, including one that lets you see who you picked with win/loss shading.
Comment by mikeindo on January 17, 2010 at 5:36pm
i filled in my stuff this morning. didnt put a TON of thought into it - just didnt want to miss the deadline like i did for Paris this fall! hopefully i get lucky...
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on January 17, 2010 at 4:49pm
Only 2 hours until the deadline. Enter now! Good luck everyone. (As of right now we have 66 players, the most of any site, entered in the competition!)
Comment by Jae on January 17, 2010 at 12:28am
LOL, i been keeping an eye on him lately and he's been playing great tennis. I think he will be the darkhouse and flying under the radar. I just dont see federer making it through or nadal.

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