Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

How to get a Blog Featured on the Main Page

So you like the limelight? Here's how to get your blog posts featured on the homepage of Tennisopolis where 19,000 members can see what you have to say. Write about Tennis. This website is about tennis. Not sex, not drugs, not rock and roll (well maybe a little.) If you can write about tennis then everyone is happy and nobody gets hurt. So bring on your ideas! What new racquet did you buy lately? Who's your favorite (or least favorite) player? Tell us about it. Have you reached a ilestone in your own tennis skill? Anything you can think of.

Include horizontal photos
Nothing tells the story better than a photo. Remember, this is going on the main page so it's gotta look good. The format of this site favors horizontal photos like
this one or this one. Use 'em. The dimensions are 500 pixels wide by 130-170 pixels tall. This is especially important at the beginning of your post. Here's how you get the image just right. After you upload it, you'll need to set the width. To do so, click on the icon at the right of the top menu bar - it looks like this <>. In the code, make sure that the image width and height are set to your image size. 130 to 170 tall x
500 pixels wide. Otherwise your banner will get squished.

In the rest of your story text, you can include normal-proportioned photos (square or vertical) lower down.

It's all about style, baby!

Please set your text to 10pt arial.

If you have your own blog site (outside of Tennisopolis), please include the entire text of the blog here and feel free to embed links to your own site.

Great! You did all that? Here's how it works. Tennisopolis is run by a core group of 4 Mods who ocassionaly write blogs and search for other good blogs for the front page. If one of the Mods sees your story and likes your story, we'll feature it on the homepage. If not, try again later.

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Comment by Meags on May 30, 2009 at 1:04pm
yeah Ive got photoshop so it was easy just got my brain in a muddle!!
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on May 30, 2009 at 10:30am

Cool Richard, I see that you got it.
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on May 30, 2009 at 10:27am
LOL. Do you have an image editor? You're an artist, you must. It's actually very easy, just crop the picture to that horizontal look. Usually it looks great and if it ever doesn't, you can get creative and past three of them side by side into a band if you will. You can also put the full image in the body of your text and the first image that shows on the Main page serves as a teaser. About pixels, internet images should be set to 72 dpi. The "header image, lets call it, should be 500 pixels wide and from 120 to 150 images tall. Let me know if i didn't clear anything up. :-)
Comment by Meags on May 30, 2009 at 5:18am
Ahhhhhhhhh i think Im thinking image size not pixel size Mark???
I just added a blog post and made it 500x150 and it stayed the same size???
Confused I am.....its not that Im unintelligent its just when it comes to computers I need to be force fed!
Could you have a look at the new post, is that picture ok? its in the legal pixel requirement.......
Comment by Meags on May 30, 2009 at 1:33am
Hi Mark, I agree with the above but the dimensions for the main photo are a little skinny and dificult to find unless I squash an image which sometimes works but not always. I like to find the right picture for the moment and not spend ages trawling the web for a skinny one!

I agree 500 pixels wide and a horizontal format but is it possible to give us a little leeway on height? its easier to find images around the 500x300 size.

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