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2011 ATP Finals Is Coming to an End and I’m Totally Confused

I’m watching the end of the year 2011 Barclays ATP Finals and I am totally confused. Roger Federer looks like he is 25 and in his prime. Rafa looks tired and burned out but he always does at the end of the year. The Djoker gets beaten by Ferrer and Tipsarevic and admits he has nothing left. Murray plays great in Asia but pulls out with injury…

Everything seems so up in the air and I love it!!! The ATP Tour is so interesting and I think for the first time in years I have no idea where the tour is headed. When Djokovic won the US Open I was sure he was going to be the new king for years to come. When he is on his game he just seems to move better, hit harder, and be more consistent then the other top dogs. However, these last two months have been bad for the Djoker. He has been injured, burned out, and beaten badly. This is not good and could be bad for him in 2012.

Rafael Nadal would have had another brilliant year in 2011 if it was not for Novak. For the first time in his career he was out matched mentally and physically. His confidence appears to be shattered despite his valiant attempts to stay positive. What is even more troubling is other players outside the top 4 are getting bold and using his high bouncing ball against him. If more of the field continues to figure out how to use his spin against him he is in huge trouble. I don’t know if he has another gear to turn to or can add too much more to his game.

Roger Federer what can I say? You are the man and in my opinion the greatest ever. He continues to play solid tennis and is always in the mix. He looks the freshest and the sharpest at the end of the year. He loves the indoor season and his game is as sharp as ever. The only question is does this mean anything? If he continues to play this way it could mean he could retain his number 1 ranking in 2012. I can’t believe I am saying this but Nadal and Novak better have a refreshing off season if they want to keep up with Roger in 2012.

Andy Murray looked great on the tour in Asia but finishes the year with an injury. We know he has the game to win in 2012 but can he have the mental break through he needs to win? Until he wins one, I am not a believer he is a serious contender to the thrown.

What do you think? Muse back….



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Comment by Peter Freeman on December 6, 2011 at 9:32am

Great Comments San Ramon tennis...I agree with you...on the other hand how does Federer stay so fresh year after year tournament after tournament. It also seems that as much as the players complain. You still see them sign up for tournaments they don't have to play throughout the year...including the end of the year. It will be interesting to see the Djoker in the new year. He was sure great this year...I think he is great!!!

Comment by Bill Patton on December 6, 2011 at 9:14am

The season is too long.   There could be at least two less Masters events.   Someone asked "Avoid Davis Cup to avoid burnout?"  I saw drop all tournaments during Davis Cup to improve the fun.   Of course the schedule is such a huge political issue.  It would be great if every two years they shorten the season by one week, until its a month shorter.   Also, downgrade numerous tournaments so that they are not ATP level events.   

Djoker will rest up and go back to his domination...

Comment by Peter Freeman on November 26, 2011 at 8:30pm

thanks Mark...I totally agree

Comment by Mark / The Mayor on November 26, 2011 at 8:03pm

This is a great blog post; I've featured it.  Thanks for posting it here.  I'm totally confused too about what '12 will look like.  I think if Nole can get some rest, he will be back on top.  Roger is playing great too; my gut says Nadal is fading.  And my heart has finally started to lose faith in Andy M's ability to win big matches.

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