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SIGHTING: Mauresmo + Gasquet practicing something for French Open...hopefully it's tennis

They were supposed to be two of France's best bets for a homegrown French Open champion but they had other plans. And both were spotted today getting in practice for their native Grand Slam next week.

Amelie Mauresmo, who hasn't played a match since losing in the quarterfinals of Amelia Island to finalist Dominika Cibulkova citing a rib injury, will make an attempt at the draw if her fragile body holds up:
I'm in Paris already, I cannot wait to be able to play at a full flow and be free of this sly and persistent pain. I'll go for a hit on Court Central if weather permits,the rest of the schedule is training and care.

Richard Gasquet, who seems to be ignoring my recommended mental sabbatical, practiced with new coach Guillaume Peyre on Court Central and looks to still be having fits and punishing his racquet for it (though he may want to try actually hitting a ball with the thing.)

Let's be honest - what are their chances for making any impact at the tourney? I'm thinking Jo-Wilfried Tsonga with his bum knee and Alize Cornet's inexperience are the better bets right now. I'd even put down Fabrice "the Magician" Santoro with one wand tied behind his Lacoste-wearing back over either of them.


(image via Getty)

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