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They're laughing at you Serena...they're all laughing at you

Serena Williams may be getting paranoid in her old (tennis) age or she thinks everything is about her (more likely scenario.)

After her tight 3-set loss to eventual Berlin champion Dinara Safina, ReRe felt the world turning on her, laughing at her misfortune:
It was funny when I lost I was in the locker room and I could hear the entire players lounge really loud like really happy and joyous. Like down goes the champ! Someone beat her!!! It was like a big hoopla.... I just smiled to myself thinking you just wait... just wait......
Ohhh scary ReRe! It sounds like she didn't enjoy that moment but something makes me think she enjoys believing the world is against her and that everyone MUST be enjoying her loss.

Could it be the players were happy for Dinara? No way - that wouldn't be motivating for ReRe and isn't that what the world is all about?


(image via Getty)

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