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Davis Cup Chronicles: Grosjean says French are fine, media went nuts

Somebody should remind Sebastien Grosjean about who let the cat out of the bag during the French team's recent Davis Cup debacle.

The Frenchman, who wasn't in attendance during his country's tie versus the US in Winston-Salem, was asked after his retirement to Ivo Karlovic at the Monte Carlo Masters about the drama involving Richard Gasquet:
Q. What is your view of what happened in Davis Cup?

A. I was not told what happened. I don't have much to say. I just think you make too much of it, you went too far. It's not that bad. But I was not there during the tie. What Michael [Llodra] said is right, I believe. He said the meeting after the tie should remain private within the team. This is good for the trust amongst the members of the team. This is what keeps us united.
Bad media! Well I'm glad he cleared that up - it's good to know that Guy Forget and French federation president Christian Bimes had privacy on their mind when they made the spat public. I can't wait to see the French team holding hands, singing "koom baya" all the way to Roland Garros!


(image via Getty)

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Comment by tennis baller on April 23, 2008 at 10:24am

apparently richard was dealing with some niggling injuries and therefore had shaky confidence. he told Forget he wouldn't be prepared to play the 4th rubber against A-Rod (which was the pressure match since the tie stood at 2 US, 1 France.) He opted for the 5th which ended up being a dead rubber.
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on April 23, 2008 at 9:46am
What happened with Gasquet at Davis Cup, Rich?
I must've missed that?

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