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protrainer winsock tennis training gear

I'm not normally one for tennis gadgets and "get great quick" schemes, so I'm always a bit skeptical of any tennis gear that Jack Kramer himself wouldn't use. You can call me a traditionalist. So, when the guys at ProTrainer Tennis asked me to demo their new WinSock, I didn't get my hopes up.

Let me back up and tell you a bit about my game - I'm a 4.5 player that gets a bit tight in important matches. So, I end up playing a lot of very close 4.0 tennis matches. If you rock, I'll play up to your level. But if you struggle, I struggle. It's a curse, you know. It's all about relaxing, gaining confidence and loosening up. The first time I used the WinSock, I simpy swung my arms around and loosened up my shoulder (picture a baseball slugger with the weight rings on the bat) before I played. I didn't get the most out of it because what is unique about this weight is that you are supposed to warm up with the WinSock on the racquet.

warm up with it onAfter reading the instructions (you know how men never read instructions until we have to), for the next match I warmed up with the WinSock on and immediately got results. I used it for the first 6 or 7 minutes of the hit, and then slipped it off to finish my warm-up. My arm was relaxed and my hitting motion was fluid. If you're like me, it takes you a few games to really get cooking. Not this time. I was hitting clean from the first point. I didn't have to fight my way back into the set; My opponent found himself in that position. I've used the WinSock in every warm-up since. It is excellent for my groundies. I get some funny looks from some opponents, but by the end of the match, they often ask where to get one for themselves.

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Comment by Maybe brown on January 14, 2013 at 4:07pm
Has anyone tried these? It seems interesting. I have a problem playing that too.
Comment by Protrainer Tennis on January 11, 2013 at 6:13pm

Coming soon my Brothers...And Sisters. I'll see what I can do. I have to cover shipping anywhere in the world which is included in my price so I have to be careful.

Comment by Chin Be on January 11, 2013 at 2:22am

Opolites will have a discount soon Tim.

Comment by Tim Prapong on January 7, 2013 at 10:53am

Is that neoprene? hmm...

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 7, 2013 at 7:29am

well its a small business tim and its a pattend product. Midnight Machete is the same way. but as they grow and get more orders they will be able to pass off the discount. they are well made and not a sock.

Comment by Tim Prapong on January 6, 2013 at 4:24pm

Thirty dollars for a "sock"? Why not just wrap a tube sock around the throat and save the money for strings?

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 5, 2013 at 8:07pm

Chin Be - contact him, personally i like the red one.

Comment by Chin Be on January 5, 2013 at 7:15pm

I got to the website and didn't see a black option

Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on January 5, 2013 at 7:26am

Chin there is a black Sock. you must buy 1.

Comment by Chin Be on January 5, 2013 at 12:26am

Is there a black sock?

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