Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

FASHION FIX: Mary Carillo steps up style game - could the pant suit be history?

Could Mary Carillo finally be coming to her fashion senses?

According to the Preppy Princess the tennis commentator, who has this unfortunate fondness for Hillary Clinton-style pant suits and turtlenecks (sometimes even worn together - doh!), will be kicking it up a notch and sporting a little special something for her Olympics gig:

I can't tell from this line sketch whether the outfit, designed by Ports 1961, is something closer to a white tie-waist potato sack paired with leggings or maternity wear.

In any case, it's better than the aforementioned suits...and the helmet hair is spot on.

*Via Down the Line!

(image via hbo + wwd)

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Comment by tennis baller on July 29, 2008 at 6:47pm
she's the original Rafa
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on July 29, 2008 at 5:19pm
Wow. "That's a dress for a young woman!" as my mom would say. I have noticed that Carillo has been stepping it up a notch and looking like a real talking head. That photo at the top is just fine with me. Very classic. Now, we got to do something about Ms. Shriver.

Love the lady, but it's time to hire a professional, girlfriend.

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