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Rafa + Xisca relationship outed, "It was a well-kept secret..." says Uncle Toni

You know you're grabbing more global fame when the media is hawking on your supposedly "secret" girlfriend Rafael Nadal.

Thanks to DtL! readers Lisa + LR for tipping me off to the new stories out on Maria Francisca "Xisca" Perello, his beautiful girlfriend of three years. She comes from the same town and attends university in Manacor.

Uncle Toni Nadal outed the couple to The Daily Mail this week saying,
It was a well-kept secret but actually his girlfriend is waiting for him in Majorca.

According to friend Pedro Hernadez the couple prefers a low-key existence in their home town:
Raf and Xisca are both very shy and ordinary people who like to live simply. They are not at all interested in a celebrity lifestyle. They get together when the tournaments are over. That’s how Raf winds down.
I think most hardcore tennis fans knew the Spaniard had a girlfriend but now we're getting to know more about her. In any case, they seem like a good match to me...

*Via Down the Line!

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Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on June 23, 2008 at 9:17pm
eh, I'll just quit my role as tennis superstar and go have some court time with my lady
Comment by tennis baller on June 23, 2008 at 9:09pm
i'd think you'd want to be with someone who did something different cause you wouldn't want to talk about your job all the time...change it up
Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on June 23, 2008 at 8:43pm
Hmm, I wonder if being a tennis superstar would make you want a girl that could play tennis well.. I'm always down for having girl that can play, but I don't know if I would if I play tennis all day as a career.. hmm.

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