Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

I can’t please everyone. It’s not in my job description. I’m an athlete, and I go out there and fight my heart out. They paid the ticket to watch me, so they must appreciate me on some level, right?

- Maria "Shriek"apova on the negative crowd reaction to her over-shrieking after her loss to Dinara Safina

The French crowd is notorious for eating their own alive nevermind a visiting baller so take their reaction with a grain of salt. Plus, you aren't the first to be booed by the Frenchies and then loved again (right Serena?) But Maria, you're shrieking can be off the charts even when you're not hitting hard so accept your fate!

*Via Down the Line!

(image via Getty)

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Comment by Elaine on June 7, 2008 at 9:37am
Spot on, Maria.
I guess the French really do live up to their sterotype of being rude.

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