Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

  • Female
  • oconto falls, WI
  • United States
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Profile Information

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Federer, Nadal, and Both of the Williams
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Just started.
My favorite local courts:
either one in the Falls neither are too good but begger's can't be choser's
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Heather's Articles

long time no see

Posted on July 5, 2009 at 2:37pm 1 Comment

I'm sorry I haven't been around. We got a new system at work wich has been a bit of a headache to memorize. so I've been extra tired when I've gotten home. we also have made our first hay of the season and that is alot of hard work butting almost 400 80lbs haybales up in the hay mow is heavy lifting. I was also given Four kittens a friend found she also found their mom dead on the road so I've been busy taking care of them. Tennis on tuesday and I can't wait there is also a new tennis club… Continue

baby time

Posted on March 16, 2009 at 3:19pm 0 Comments

My sister is pregnet again I cant way for my new it to be here it will com in November I love watching how fast they grow My niece Gabi is all mad now. for the last two years she wanted a baby sibling now that all she wants is to be an only child with lots of cousins shes getting a sibling. she five so I think that it make since.

one night off

Posted on March 11, 2009 at 1:57pm 2 Comments

I work at a store so I never get the weekends off I don't even get two nights off in a row. I usualy have tuseday adn thursaday off I'm finaly getting my room the way I want it. a few more weeks and I'll have all my stuff unpacked I've only lived in this room for a year. lol I'm a slight procatinater but my room as also being used as the Family storage room so I moved somethings out and unpacked my parent's library so that took care of about twenty boxes. we're a book family. By the way does… Continue


Posted on February 25, 2009 at 8:37am 0 Comments

Hi my name is Hether I am a Fedal fan if you don't know what that is I support both Federer and Nadal. I think they both carry themselves well off court. I don't like athlets who get big heads. I live in wiscons where it will be about anothre sixweeks before the local courts get unlocked. they lock them up in the winter so no one will hurt themselfs trying to play tennis with all the ice.

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At 11:32pm on April 15, 2009, Dean Wright said…
Heather, you rock. thnks for joining EXCUSE ME!!! we loook forward to more of your opions and comments, give em hell girl.
At 5:57pm on March 13, 2009, Dean Wright said…
Heather it's warm here in the winter, the rest of the year it's down right hot, can you say 110 degrees.
At 4:36am on March 12, 2009, Dean Wright said…
Heather also try steve viglione , topspin, it's on tennisopolis, free videos, lessons and articles. Send friend request request and see what you can find on there.
At 6:59pm on March 11, 2009, Dean Wright said…
Scoring system.--

Imagine a clock on the wall, every 15 minutes is how you score a game. 0 is love 1st point is 15, 2nd is 30, 3rd point is 40 not 45 don't know why. 4th point is game, if both players reach 40 or 40 all as it;s called' thats duece, or even. player that wins the next point has AD. If that player wins next point then it's game, if other player wins it you go back to DUECE, 2 pt margin needed to win game. One player serves the whole game, 1st serve is on the right side then you alternate sides for each point. Lets start there.
At 11:54pm on March 10, 2009, Dean Wright said…
Hi Heather, read some of my blogs on here, please leave comments and tell me what you think.
At 11:48pm on March 9, 2009, Dean Wright said…
Hi Heather, They locked up the courts here to, but wouldn't you know that somehow the lock and chain both disappeared, amazing. Just the other day they were looking for them, since I'm the high school coach they ask me if I had seen em, Actually I have, but my busy schedual has sort of affected my memory.
At 4:26pm on February 24, 2009, Mark / The Mayor said…
Cool.. You should add a profile pic.
You can also start a Williams Sisters Fan Group. Click the groups tab at the top.
At 2:31pm on September 10, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
Hi! Welcome to the "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you. We created this place in December and it has been a wild ride ever since - we've gone viral and now we're "almost famous".

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