Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

  • 52, Male
  • mpls
  • United States
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opie's Page

Profile Information

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
mpls, mn
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):

Favorite pro tennis player(s):
hands down no-one can compare to johnny mac.... the cyborg ivan lendl, and fianlly boris becker. as for current players: its changed so much, rallies are shorter, rackets become to powerful: james blake...
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good., Not bad., If tennis is on TV - I'm watching.
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player
Relationship status:
In a Relationship
Favorite website:
http://fbi most wanted

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 8:50am on February 16, 2009, Mark / The Mayor said…
Happy Birthday. Get out there and play some tennis - a gift to yourself.
At 11:48pm on August 30, 2008, Ryan said…
I would love to play on Wed. I will give you a call and I sent you an email
At 6:42pm on April 21, 2008, Dean Buckner said…
Opie, I am looking to get outside and play some tennis. I am a 4.0 player from Minnetonka. I have a very flexible schedule. Let me know if you are interested.
At 8:27am on April 13, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
Hi Opie. I got your message. Good luck in your match. I don't have a ladder system set up yet, but here's an idea that you can do. Start a "Discussion" in the group that you and Jalli are both members of, and call it "Match Score Reports". You can tell everyone that plays a match to report it in that thread.

p.s. below I see you responded to jalli, use the "comment back" feature and that comment ends up on his site where he is more likely to see it. I also recommend "friending" him so that you can message each other.
At 10:26am on April 10, 2008, opie said…
PERFECT....... see you then
At 9:51am on April 10, 2008, jalli said…
hi, the court is under jalli and i can meet u at the front entrance like 10mins before 8 if thats fine with u..
At 2:12pm on April 8, 2008, jalli said…

I did book the court for Monday at LTF st.Louis Park from 8 until 9:30pm. Let me know if thats okay with you or if there is any change.
At 9:15am on April 8, 2008, jalli said…
Hi Opie,

I am in the uptown area and right now playing at Lifetime n St.Louis park. Let me know if you want to play sometime as i can reserve the court at LTF.
At 9:44pm on March 12, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
People are definitely playing - a lot. It doesn't get recorded because it is all casual. But if you look around you'll find people meeting up. That is a good idea to have some kind of recorder system though. Mpls is slow now cause you guys are still thawing. Move to Tampa. ;-) Teh Mpls groups need more members. I'll send you an idea about that if you want.
At 7:55pm on March 6, 2008, Bri said…
It will have to be in april my March is packed

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