Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

  • 38, Male
  • New York
  • United States
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My Page - Tahsin

Profile Information

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
New York, New York
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Maria Sharapova ))
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad.
Relationship status:

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 9:49pm on April 20, 2011, Andre Tolbert said…
Tahsin, If you have time to play tennis this weekend, let me know...
At 10:53am on June 3, 2008, Daniel Kucer said…
tahsin, tried to email you but your email is broke. ive got as similar tennis background and am looking to hit weeknights after 6 in the LES or Bedford L (Mccarren Park Courts) Work at astor so both are convenient. my email is daniel dot kucer at email me if you'd like to meet up.
At 4:26pm on April 19, 2008, Cee said…
I saw your rating and would be interested in a hitting partner. I live in queens. Perhaps we can meet next weekend? I am about a 4.0 but i have to admit that I ama bit rusty.
At 1:40am on April 19, 2008, Tahsin said…
I just joined the website 10 minutes ago. Seems like a great opportunity to find partners to play tennis after all. I am not sure how this website works, I am not even sure whether you will get to read this. ))))
I used to play tennis in my high school team in Michigan years ago. We spent average of 4-5 hours a day at the court. Since then I rarely had the chance to play tennis again, partly due to lack of partners.
I am not too sure about my rate, but from what I understand it should be either 4.0-4.5, so I am an average player I guess.
I live in Manhattan and have a lot of time to kill so as of now, I am ready and willing to play with anyone who wants to play.
My email address is

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