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Dean Potenza left a comment for Maureen
"Hi Maureen, I've been a member of Tennisopolis for many years now, because I used to travel extensively for business. My wife and I are going to be staying in Kailua 20 June through 24 July. I've already been in touch with Kailua…"
Apr 29, 2022

Profile Information

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Kailua, Oahu
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Play ladies and mixed doubles. Will also play singles. Currently play 3X a week.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner

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At 2:03pm on April 29, 2022, Dean Potenza said…

Hi Maureen, I've been a member of Tennisopolis for many years now, because I used to travel extensively for business. My wife and I are going to be staying in Kailua 20 June through 24 July. I've already been in touch with Kailua Racquet Club. I will likely sign up for their two week option to see how it goes, but my wife does not play. So I'm looking for players in Kailua. Are you still in Kailua? If so, do you know of anyone there around my 4.0 - 4.5 level? Thanks, Dean 714-651-1122

At 10:10am on May 3, 2013, Lou Lom said…
there's pick up doubles mon-fri 7-9:30 am, cts 1-3. Mostly seniors, me, Lou but some better players, Ron, Erin, Steve, Joanne.
Sat. 8-10:30, more women, cts 3&4 usually
sat and sun 2-5pm , Kailua rec cts 4&5 usaully. Join in! Sometimes Ron is there, but there's league now, 3.5, but Brian, Ken, ,Miki, may be there. More on Sunday's
Bring your daughter, sat sun afternoons!
At 12:24am on January 15, 2013, jane dubovy said…

I may be in town from 1/25 thru the 1/30 and would like to play either ladies or mixed doubles. my email address is

At 11:33pm on September 9, 2008, Nanda said…
Lookig for match play for my 13 year old daughter. Her coach suggested putting her in the womens A-League but the season does not start until February. She currently plays tournamnents and is ranked #5 in the 14's and often plays in the 16's.

We are just looking for different people she can play with. We live in Kailua and her dad can bring her to the courts.
At 2:43am on September 2, 2008, Lou Lom said…
do you play usta league? where do you play? when? please join the Kailua group.
At 11:23am on March 24, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
Hi Maureen! It's great to have you here!
Join the Oahu Group and introduce yourself in there to meet people for matches.
Please Invite your buddies. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
If you need any help, let me know.

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