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Now that the kids are back in school, I've been venturing to the local courts to practice serving. I'm noticing that half of my serves are in. The other half either in the service line area or are hitting right behind the service court. It feels like I'm hitting too hard. I've tried to let up and then they hit the net. I've got a bad habit of not following through but even when I do, I may hit a few more in but basically the same thing happens.

I love the way this particular racquet feels though. It is extremely comfortable and light. (Head TiS6)

Thanks in advance for the help!

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You may want to check your toss.  The toss is the most common error on the serve.  If your ball is going long you may be tossing the ball too far behind you.  Usually you are letting go too late or not locking your wrist back so you toss behind instead of out front.  Just a suggestion.

I'm not trying to plug my blog but I wrote an article on the three basic problems of the serveyou may find helpful.

Good luck!


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