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How has your strategy changed as you have gotten older and wiser?

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I use the opponents energy against him more than I used to. I still hit heavy balls but like to use an opponents energy kind of like tennis aikido. Experience helps a lot, controlling the tempo of the match. Things like that. I take more time, I'm much more patient than I was as a young player. I try to finish sooner in some cases, I love to serve and volley. I can stay back but I will press my opponent to if not let me beat him, at least have him lose to me, hehe a teachers joke. Tennis is an equalizer in some cases. One of my favorite experiences was playing doubles with a player from Hungary, this was 15 years ago but I love the story. We were playing mens open doubles at Whittier Narrows Tennis Center, later I was a teaching pro there, anyway we got on court with the #1 doubles team from Long Beach. the match went by very quickly, after they broke frames they came and apologized for their behavior. I guess experience does count for something!

Great story.

I really do understand (I'm 43) about controlling the pace and controlling my own emotions.  I don't get as upset at my mistakes as I used to, and because of that I miss less often. 

mega spin high over the net down the line up the line.spinning serves and attacks and volley at the net.

Ahhhh, the old spinning big ball deep to the corners.  I love this play against this incredibly good high schooler I play against.  Drives her crazy.  Then I bunt it short to her backhand and make her come in - that is her worst nightmare.

simplify your strokes, mix it up, allow the racket to do the work for you. we are not in our 20's so we need to be efficient. forget the power (except in some cases) it's more about finesse and placement. just watch some of the top seniors play.

Technique has improved for sure.   Swing is better than ever.

But I keep losing matches.   The other players just keep improving faster, I think.


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