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I own an old Babolat Star stringer. Circa 1985?
I often check the racquet tension after stringing with the STRINGMETER mk VI by Polycraft.
I'm thinking the calibration may be off. Should I invest in a calibrating device for the stringer? And if so. How do I calibrate it? The stringer's been running like a champ, but it's nearly 15 years old and how accurate is my tension? This is what my stringer looks like, but this is a stock photo from
Thanks in advance.

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I know it's too late to respond and I'm a novice stringer. I have the same machine and I just calibrated this machine today. It's very easy to do. There are two hex nuts holding the spring to the left of the motor. You adjust these nuts to adjust the hight/tension of spring. It's so simple you can just do in a few minutes! I love this machine! All parts are very well made and it works like a champ like you said!
Thanks for your reply.
I finally got a calibrator and the stringer was off by a few pounds.
I took off the case/lid and realized that I was supposed to loosen the bolt that is located underneath my machine to adjust the tension.
Was it the same for you? Anyway, my machine would often make a loud noise after releasing the string from the tensioner.
So, I put a small rubber landing strip inside the case underneath the tension crank landing.
Is your machine making that similar noise?
Well, hope all is well.
Take care and best wishes from Chicago,
I don't hear a loud noise after releasing the string from tensioner (yet). Thanks for letting me the proper way to calibrate this machine!!! I was WRONG (but worked....) It'll be much easier to calibrate from now on.
I guess I should request the maintenance manual from Babolat. Can't find any information of this old machine anywhere.


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