Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Im coming back to Oahu early for work and id love to play tennis around the manoa area or within biking distance. I think my skill thing is around 3.0, i started playing a year ago and now I dont feel like going a whole summer without touching a racket. Anyone want to play then reply i guess. Im 19 almost 20 by the way. I should be working some mornings and afternoons but should be free at night but it all depends on my schedule. Get back to me.


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Hi Nick,

I'll hit with you if you want. I'm very flexible with my schedule, so let me know when you are available and we can work around that.

Cool, I found out the place Im staying at is like 5 minutes from the Makiki park. I walked past there and saw they have tennis courts. Where are good locations for you to play? Im usually free in the mornings and nights weekdays and anytime weekends.

Nani Y said:
Hi Nick,

I'll hit with you if you want. I'm very flexible with my schedule, so let me know when you are available and we can work around that.

Hey Nani,

Do you want to plan something soon. Im itching to play. I work Mon-Fri afternoons im free mostly anytime besides that.

Nani Y said:
Hi Nick,

I'll hit with you if you want. I'm very flexible with my schedule, so let me know when you are available and we can work around that.



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