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Looking for someone to play tennis with afterwork or on the weekend in the East Bay. I'm about intermediate level - I used to be fairly decent. Girls or guys. Let's go hit a few!

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Hey Jenn. Tonight at 7pm Emeryville? -Stu
Hey Stu - can't tonight (work function)...but can i raincheck you for a night next week?
Hey Jen. I'm available Sat 21st or Sun 22nd. I used to play quite a bit, but need to get back into it. Played last week. My forehand is off. Need a lot of work. Let me know if you want to hit.
Hi GG - let's do it! I'm a bit rusty as well, but am def up for some dusting off of the old skills. Any thoughts on where to play? I'm out on Alameda at the moment and know there are some free courts in the park out there.
Hi Jen,
I'm a 2.5 - haven't played in years. I'm not sure what intermediate level is - are you rated?
I could play in alameda or berkeley if we are a match.

Also, I'm new to this, and not sure how it works... do you need my email?
Hi Jenn,

I used to play on my all-city team but haven't played in the last few years. Looking to get back into playing for fun (rather than competing, etc.). I work in Emeryville and live in Jack London Square so I'm pretty flexible where I can play. Am fairly flexible to play after work sometimes on weeknights, or can hit on weekends too. If you or anyone who replied to this is interested, let's hit a few! I can be reached by email at


Hi, would you like to play Sunday morn between 8-10am?
Hello Jenn, this is Joe. If you ever need a 4th to play mixed doubles, let me know.
Hello Jenn,

I am interested. I live in Emeryville. Please email me at
If you want to get together, contact me.

Hi Jenn,
I live in Alameda, Bay Farm.I would like to play this Wed at around 6:30. Let me know and we can set up where to play, the Leydecker courts on Bay Farm have been recently relaid, Krusi park is fine too.

My e-mail:

I'm looking for tennis partner.
Maybe, we can to play as soon you can.


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