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When is Djokovic's opportunity to retake the #1 ranking?

From what I've read, Djokovic cannot get it back in Toronto, since he is last year's champ and has to DEFEND those points. He can get it back in Cincy the following week, only if Fed loses in the first round and Djoko wins it. Some are saying he's gotta enter any smaller tourney, like the Winston Salem to get additional points.

If not, he's gotta do it after the US Open since he won it last year? Anyone has a better grasp on this?

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So here's another account:

"If Federer reaches the [Cincy] final, he will remain No. 1. Djokovic has to at least make the final to hold any hope of returning to No. 1 and being the top seed at the US Open. Djokovic can also win the title and reclaim No. 1 as long as he doesn’t beat Federer in the [Cincy] final."


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