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So this year's Southern California Tri Level Sectionals was held at Seal Beach Tennis Club.  The facility is quite nice BUT it's built right next to a freeway and you can hear a thing but the noise from the freeway...sigh...what a waste...and it's not even close to the ocean :(

Anyways...soo much happened this weekend...i will spare you all the politics but lets just say the actions of one team screwed over three other teams...we were freaking pissed!

Ok, we had "fun" anyways. Here are some of the video a couple of my teammates took while we were playing...

My first round match went to the hated 10 point tie break in lieu of a third set ... luckily we came out on top ...

4.0's taking care of business (4.0s were undefeated this weekend!!!)
We played this match on the show court in front of a pretty big Audience...including friends and family of the other team, other teams just arriving, kids and club members who had just finished up their lessons, was fun :) !

Same match, another angle:

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The Next Night:

3.5's closing it out!

4.0's Taking care of Business:

4.5's going down in flames! lol

Are you the guy in the red cap?

Yes sir...the guy in the Christmas colors :)



Nice serve and volley skills! You're fast. Also good forehand drive returns.

Thnx! Serves are ok ... volleys are ok ... you didn't see how many others i looked silly on lol...i have a decent backhand returns too...esp off kickserves...i guess they weren't able to locate too many of them off to that side consistently enough :)



You guys need an HD camera with wide angle zoom. Or was that HD?

One of the video was done using a phone, the other was a dedicated video recorder...i think they were in really not sure...

One more video! Im just updating you all as my buddies post up more....Apparently he edited out all the bad points in this vid...he said the other team didn't deserve a highlight reel after screwing over the entire flight ... lol

4.5's and 4.0's ... my match starts at the 6:55 mark :)



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