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Wow..never seen anything like that. I wonder how effective it really is?

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but a baseball bat doesnt swing like a tennis racquet its weighted differently and you cant practice your serve with it.

i do agree that a wood racquet could be used however why do you think the sweetspotter is shorter than 27 inches ?

Yeah I can agree with you that the Steam 99s is a gimmicky racquet but it does work they way it says it does. The sweetspotter however can be replaced with a regular bat. where as the 99s cannot be replaced with a regular racquet. ( unless you do a crazy string job ) or you can play with an old woody racquet that weights around 13+oz and that can replace the sweetspotter, you can get a better practice with the woody too! If you Add a to the Woody you Will have a Great Training Tool.

OK I was wrong. The sweet spotter is not a bat. Nor is it the racquet bat. A regular bat would be better.

correction a regular bat would be cheaper.

I got a Sweet Spotter through the IndieGoGo campaign.  I've been out with it a few times, just dropping balls and hitting serves. Today I used it on my ball machine, hitting about 150 balls with it.  This was after a very good hitting session with my racquet -- great ball striking and solid control of my shots.

With the Sweet Spotter, I had my share of complete mis-hits and dumps into the net on solid hits. I progressed to hitting more than half my "shots" over the net.  Overall, I had to stay *really* focused on keeping my eye on the ball right through contact.

When I went back to my racquet, it was an effin' disaster.  I dumped literally every ball.  I really took me a while to get back to my normal swing.  Clearly, for me, the technique that results in a good shot with the Sweet Spotter is radically different than that using my racquet, but is subtle enough to not telegraph a change in strokes. I really found it to be extremely counter productive for my ground strokes.  I would rather practice with my woodies or smaller/heavier racquets like my Fischer Pro Vacuum 90, PK Black Ace, Rossignol F-250, etc. I think this tried and true method is a far more relevant way to "over-train".


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