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What are some of the things you do to play tennis in cold weather. What do you wear, how do you warm up, do you bring hot coco to the courts? Let me know it is cold in the ATL

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Good question. I warm up a lot. It takes me a while to get loose in the cold. I wear a long sleeve shirt under my standard tennis shirt. Once I get warmed up, I lose the pants and just wear shorts. And NEVER sit down at changeover! takes a lot of warming up for me before the pants come off!!! Somehow that sounds really dirty but not intended to...
it doesn't get that cold here but at night I play in gloves or I use hand warmers
California does not count!!! HA don't know cold weather
Like the rest of ya'll, it take a long time to warm up, and then like the Mayor, the sweat pants come off, but not necessarily the layered top. The biggest problem I have though is keeping the hands warm, and the grip "moist" enough to keep a good grip while swinging away. Because it gets so cold, the handle becomes very dry and hard to keep hold of on hard shots. I have had to resort to the "stickier" grips during those months. I also always worry about breaking strings faster, due to the cold weather. Guess that is why we take back-up rackets. What I have found though, is only "real" players play in the cold, others find excuses.
nicely are right only the die hards are crazy enough to get out in the truly cold weather...sounds like you are one!!!
My problem is that there is not time enough in the day after working, taking care of the honey do's, and dealing with kids to spend as much time as I would like to on the courts. So I don't care how cold it is outside. If the courts are dry, I am there. Call me crazy.
so am I crazy because i am sad that my practice got cancelled because it is only 22 degrees? because i am very sad... ;)
you are crazy Danielle...that is why you are going to be great at tennis!!!
You truly love the sport....
well i live in southern cali so i guess cold is a relative term no lol

But when it gets cold for us, i go out there in sweats and just do a light hit until im warm...i might take a jog if im the first one there...if not then it's light hitting. We often have to wait to play in bewtween sets and sometimes i would bring out some hot water and hand warmers to stay warm while i wait...

then again, im a big sissy when it comes to the cold... :)



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