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I believe the ATP and other governing bodies are investigating as to whether or not this is cheating.  If so, I hope they strip everything from the year.  Definitely an unfair advantage that only came out a couple of weeks ago. 

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So does it oxygenate the blood cells? Then, I'd say it is a bit of an advantage.
Yes, it totally oxygenates the blood cells.  That is one of the benefits.  It also improves circulation, boosts red-blood cells, removes lactic acid and may aid in stem cell production.  Totally geared to boost athletic performance.

Well, it seems to do what EPO does, plus more! Hmm, I don't know about stripping Djoko of his titles though. If the chamber hasn't been banned by the ATP tour, then you can't strip his titles. He is using the chamber legally.

I know you and I see its advantages, but I also believe that Djoko's groundstrokes are superior to either Nadal or Federer, with or without use the chamber. He gets nearly the lift component of Nadal's fh, and the nearly the drive component of Fed's fh. Plus his backhand is straight out of Connors' backhand handbook. Better bh than either Fed or Nadal.

I agree, however, because his recovery has been enhanced, he is at an advantage to maintain those strokes.  As was witnessed by Rafa in the 4th set, his strokes completely went off, and it was due to his fatigue.  Djoko didn't have the same drop off.  Unfair advantage.  And yes, if the ATP comes back and determines that it is all illegal, why wouldn't they strip him of his titles? 

They have to do it beforehand. All Djoko has to say is, it was legal before you banned it, and get lawyers to back him up. Nobody can argue with that. All Nadal can do is to either use the same CVAC chamber to be even in advantage, just in case the ATP does nothing about this performance enhancing device.

I would've been in favor of stripping Lance Armstrong of ALL of his Tour de France titles, but there isn't enough proof right now to do so. There is a positive test on the first win, but there is no proof on the table, other than the word of his very own teammates, masseuse, an admission to his doctor and to LeMond, anecdotes of secrecy and evidence of dumped syringes.

Should they strip him of his titles because he has gone to a gluten free diet and exercises more? Maybe if the former number 1 gets older, everyone he plays has to be his age or fitness level? Is there a device that can be worn to equal out the players desire to win?

So what if Djokovic uses this! Are athletes that train in higher altitudes cheating because the oxygen in their blood is thinner so that when they compete at sea level they have more energy?


Use what you have available, or go back to all-white clothes and wood rackets. Progress is good.

There is no way to equal out physical ability. Nadal is more muscular than Fed or Djoko, but we can't equal that out. It is up to Djokovic to get an edge and perhaps this is a way he's done it.

Also, Nadal's Aero Pro Drive perhaps has more power than Djoko's Head pro tour racquet. Even with the lead job that Djoko does.

Douglas has several good points here, Mark. Nadal just has to, in return, get his endurance edge back by either using the same CVAC device or train at high altitudes. 

I totally agree that progress is good.  Not in anyway suggesting that we go back to wood and the white clothing.  It just seems a little fishy that this story only came out a week before the U.S. Open.  Why not right before the Davis Cup Final last year.  And yes, training at a higher altitude is one thing, but having that simulated by sitting in a machine for 20 mins three times a week, kind of defeats the purpose, no?  It is a short cut.  In the end, short cuts are typically deemed cheating.  Just a thought.

3 times a week/ 20 minutes a day? The machine must really be something else. I want one. lol

I used to have asthma but I got rid of it by taking up road cycling and playing an oboe as a kid.

Tim you are amazing, don't understand why your not on tour, with perfect stroke technique and your healing powers and analyzing skills you would be unstoppable.
Haha! Hal, if only it were true. If only I were the Asian equivalent of Rod Laver. All 5'7'' of me. :)

I apologize,actually I don't think it was asthma but severe allergies that got em before, but it was only a matter on time before he became #1. Now let's see what happens the next couple of years.



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