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11:40PM EST October 4. 2012 - Security was tightened around Roger Federer after the world No. 1 received an online death threat prior to a tournament in Shanghai, according to various reports.

Tournament director Yang Yibin confirmed the threat to the Shanghai Youth Daily.

An anonymous poster using the name "Blue Cat Polytheistic Religion Founder 07" posted the threat on the popular Chinese website,

"On October 6, I plan to assassinate Federer for the purpose of tennis extermination," the posting read.

The threat was accompanied by a doctored photo of a axe-wielding executioner standing next to a decapitated Federer.

The posting was taken seriously enough for the tournament to increase security around Federer and other players, but Yang told the newspaper he hopes it "was an oral threat only."

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What, no accompanying evil laughter?  No ten-page manifesto detailing how "evil" tennis is and thus needs to be exterminated?  I think this guy was hit by too many tennis balls as a kid.  And of course, the question that burns in my mind the most:  what happened to the first six BCPR founders????

Well, 7 is a lucky number. But he'll need all the luck to avoid arrest. I'd hate to get arrested in China. lol

Originally Posted by USA Today
The tennis fan whose to Roger Federer made international news last week has for the "stupid" message board comment.

The user Blue Cat Polytheism Founder 07 wrote:

"I'm terribly sorry. I was arguing with Federer fans and then I wrote something stupid. I hope that the organizers can understand me, forgive me and if possible send my apologies to Federer and his family. "

Late last month the user wrote that he planned "to assassinate Federer for the purpose of tennis extermination" on Oct. 6.

Federer said he was made aware of the incident before it went public. The decision not to bring his wife and twin daughters to Shanghai had nothing to do with the threat, he said.

The world No. 1 said he was pleased with the response by Shanghai officials, but was confused when the report of the threat went public.

"That's when things changed," he told reporters. "It became much more public, which I'm a bit disappointed about, that it did come out in the press."

"It was something just very small on a website, nothing clear and concrete, people just debating. That it makes that big news is a bit surprising to me."

Us too. As we wrote last week, online death threats are an unfortunate part of modern-day life. They should be dealt with appropriately, but don't need to be made public.

Exterminate tennis games in Shanghai.  Safer and more profit made playing else where.  If you notice very few Chinese patronage at tennis games comparing to other countries.  Maybe they don't like tennis.  Who knows.   Players may get the trophies, but the organization does not make money immediately from spectators excluding TV viewers.


Shanghai is the new Roman Coliseum. lol Extermination is a daily happening. lol


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