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Toni Nadal: ´Rafael can beat Roger Federer`s 17 Slams record´

In an interview with French magazine "L`Equipe", Toni Nadal talked about Rafael`s chances of breaking Roger Federer`s 17 Slams record.

"Being happy is more important than breaking records" Toni said. "But, assuming Rafa stays injury free, I wouldn`t be surprised if he broke Federer`s record. I think it`s not impossible to win more than 17, although it won`t be easy."

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 I hope that this scenario is realizable…hope we will again watch Nadal playing as a beast. After Federer decides to retire, I do not want to watch Djokovic lifting every possible slam!!! 

Not a chance.  Love Rafa, but his body won't hold up, especially with Djokovic in the wings.


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