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Mr. Wawrinka..The unknown Swiss or Soon to-be-known Swiss ? :)

Just finished watching Wawrinka vs. Monfils. Was really impressed with Wawrinka when had flown down to the Big Apple to watch the US Open last September and saw him performing..Those were courtside tix so luckily got a good handle on his playing style..He was amazing ! One of the smoothest one handed backhands, nice slice , and that serve is a monster ! Was surprised he lost to Youzhny in the Quarters. Really have been keeping an eye out for him ever since. Well,against Monfils right now , the first set was tight , but he really destroyed Monfils in the 2nd and 3rd !


He faces Roddick next. My risky prediction is I think he causes an upset and takes Roddick out . Roddick can get shaky against big hitters of the ball,plus this guy serves as hard as Roddick !


I think it's time to add this underrated Swiss guy to the mix...What say buds ?

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Wawrinka has a very nice backhand, and his serve looks more potent to me than before. But I don't see an upset. Besides, they are doubles partners.
I've always feltt sorry for the guy in any other time period  Swiss player with as much talent as e would be huge there.(like Marc rosset was) He's just appeared at the wrong time from  tht point of view but must make some things easier.Quality player who hopefully will continue to do well.
Wawrinka should at least hang out with his daughter, after losing to Fed. Sheesh!
I was weeping while watching the entire match. Period.
I called it.  Roll over to Fed.  What a waste.
Wawrinka reminds me of Edberg, but without the big volley, kicker. The demeanor seems similar though. He's doing well with the new coaching.
Demeanor seems very similar. I'd love to see him go far !
I guess I was more optimistic about his chances this year given his superb form and his commitment..Ah well,I hope that peter lundgren is able to send him to a sports psychologist soon to sort out his fed anxiety problem ! :)
He should stop chumming around Fed and keep his distance. And work on a better, more attacking forehand. Maybe the psychologist might work, but he should just be relentless. Watch a lot of boxing. lol


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