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I Rate - Looking for somewhere to play, my rating about this court.

Today I played in Pasadena. Address:  3100 E Del Mar Blvd, Pasadena, Ca 91107

Area: -   4.0 - Very nice and clean; 2 courts, right next to a basketball court.

Court surface, and lines - 3.5 - A little fast, maybe needing new resurfacing, but if you like to serve and volley then it's perfect. A lot of space for moving around on the court which is always a plus.

Nets -   3.5  - The nets are of height regulations, a little old, but there isn't any holes.

Wind screens - 5.0 -  Yes - The wind screens are from top to bottom, really nice.

Lights - 0.0 - Not to sure how they are. I did not play at night.

Over all I give it:  Day Playing   16 out of 20,   Nights playing -  N/A

I recommend these courts.

3100 E Del Mar Blvd, Pasadena, Ca 91107    ---- Day: 16/20, Night: N/A 

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Those courts definitely need resurfacing. The bounce is pretty bad in some spots and there are lots of swirlies and bald spots. 2.8

They are not far from PCC which is a nice area. 4.5

I don't think it ever gets windy there. Wind screens are good. 5.0

But at night, there's always a group of annoying people waiting on the court. They will stand by your bench and things like they might snatch your personals. Plus, the itennis instructors will let their kids knock those orange and yellow quickstart balls onto your court. 1.0 lol



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