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Am I the only one who hates Nadal?

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In the beginning, I didn't like him so much. But he has won me over and now I think he is one of the most fascinating and humble players on tour.
I think he's very humble off the court. On the court, it's a different story. His demeanor strikes me as borderline arrogant. When he loses a point, he never seems to give his opponent any credit. I know you gotta have your game face on, but smiling once a match wouldn't hurt, and clapping after your opponent straight up owns you during a point would be a nice change.
alot of athlets come off as arrogant and thats a personality that also makes them so great.
it's passion and drive and consentration when their focused on what they are doing that makes them seem to block out everything around them, if he were to make room to smile it whould mean his focus was distracted from scoring the next point, im sure hes having fun but his passion to score and advance is greater and shines thru.
after a win he cannot stop smiling and we may get tired of seeing him smile when the match is over.
I think he's as gracious as he needs to be, I have never seen him disrespect his opponent,
tennis is such a personal victory or defeat that is really hard to lose and still be happy for the other guy after you put so much into the game you may have just lost.
Hey, but here's a question: do you think the sport of professional tennis is better with or without Nadal?
It is definitely better with Nadal. I don't think that anyone can diagree with that.
Exactly, that's my point. Actually that is an outdated point too - I remember a few years ago, pleople were less open to Nadal (kinda like Chris still is) because they considered him rude or just a dirt baller. People were saying that it was great that he was challenging Fed on clay. Man, things have changed since then - now, he is the world number 1. But I think many of us are expecting his tenure at 1 to be short-lived and that Roger will regain his throne in 09. BUT that may not happen. In pro tennis, once you start slipping, it usually goes pretty fast. You agree?
Since nobody reply here, I guess so ;)
I have the exact comment like Mark/Mr. Mayor.
Oh, you brown noser!
Just kidding. I bet there's tons of people that agree with us.
Nadal is good for tennis - no question. M
I was a Nadal Hater in the beginning. I was one of those people saying, "he's just a dirtballer!" Nadal won my respect with his Wimbledon run of 2k7. I don't mind him as a person or player now I just hate those in the tennis media who were so eager to try to give away Fed's number one spot to Nadal without him earning it. As early as 2006 media folks were trying to question Federer as the games best player.

I guess I lied! What else I don't like about Nadal is his post Wimby swoon. Nadal seems to continue to meet Fed in clay finals (can we include Wimby 2k8?) This slants his head to head against Fed so that the uninformed look at it as total domination wheras Rafa always has home court advantage. Whereas Fed continues to shine on all the Slam surfaces Nadal may have to adopt the C.U.B.S. ackronym Completely Useles By September! That may not be the person that people like Brad Gilbert want to make the one and only face of tennis.

Not a hata' just a dislika'.
LOL! Well, you may not have to be a dislika' forever - do you agree with the people that say he plays too physical a game and will wear his body out within a couple of years?
Well, with the patella bands for "precautionary" reasons last year and the no show at the masters cup this year, you can see a bad pattern developing for Rafa. I give him two more years before the drop off starts but when it comes its going to be HUGE

I think it will go like this. Now, Rafa scurries to balls and returns them with exteme pace, putting Nadal on the offensive. Soon, he will get to the ball and return with equal pace, keeping the rally even. Later, he will get there only able to muster a weak reply, forcing Nadal to play even more defense. Much later Nadal won't be able to get there and it will be a winnerfest for the guy across the net.

Just compare the styles of Fed and Nadal, who do you think will be able to come out of nowhere at 35 - 40 years old and maybe make a deep run at a slam?


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