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I've used various grips over the many years. I still prefer leather although the best, Fairway is no longer made. I've tried what's recently available commercially but they all lack the quality. What grip do you use on your racquet and why?

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You could just use 7 grams of lead on the handle and use the synthetic grip, or silicone inside the handle.

I've played with leather grips covered with an over grip on all my rackets since college.  Can't beat the feel and response you get with the leather base!  I've played with several leather grips to try and find the best one and in my experience fairway grips were some of the best, however I've become a fan of Gamma or Babolat leathers.  For over grips I started with tournagrips but then switched over to the Wilson Pro-Overgrips (white ones that fed uses) and have not played with anything else since.

Gamma feels pretty good. I just tried one this week. So hard to find Fairways anymore, at least for me. Haven't tried Babolat. What are they like?

similar to the gamma leathers... takes a bit to break in though.  although once its fully broken in its got a nice and firm feel to it!

Sounds good. I'll try one of those Babolats then!

first leather grip and then use 'tourna' overgrip

I have a leather grip on my Prince EXO3 Graphite. That raquet never felt right and I still blame it for screwing up a trip to Nationals! I feel the bevels "too much" with that leather grip. I hate a "rounded" handle but I don't like the too sharp feeling of a leather grip. The synthetic grip give me that "just right" feel. I like the Prince Duratac with Solinco tac, Wilson Pro, or Prince Microtac on my Diablos.


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