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Could this be the year of a Men's grand Slam? After taking out Fed and Murray at the AO, Fed in Dubai, and Fed & Nadal in IW, can Nole take out the King of Clay in RG? Will he be able take the big W and finish it out at flushing? As of this writing I can see no evidence to the contrary.

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Hah! I can't believe I see that last sentence coming from you. lol So you do like Fed after all!

Hey, lets not get carried away here.  He does have a graceful game, I will give him that, but I still can't stand him personally.

Hmm, Fed isn't Mark's cup of tea. lol

Yeah, it looks like Roger is back to being the hottest player on the tour. This new Murray still cannot figure out Rog when it counts but the win over the Djoker was still impressive. Finally IW is about to start so we can get all of these guys in the same tourney.

I just don't like his arrogance.  There isn't a humble bone in his body. 

Yeah, he says some things which make you go, "Really?"


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