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I was up in the nosebleed grandstand section but still, I enjoyed seeing both the Wozniacki/Bartoli final and the Nadal/Djokovic final. I noticed a variation in Nadal's forehand swing when he was playing doubles with Garcia Lopez. I also saw all the adjustments Djokovic has made in his serve while he was on the practice court today.

In the end, Nadal's first serve and forehand was error prone from the middle of the second set onwards. It did not help Rafa that Djoko was hitting those killer corner shots or hitting heater serves to his backhand on the deuce side.

Did anyone else see something of the final, either by way of TV or being there live?

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I will have to add that as I was watching Nadal warmup, he was missing many of his forehands long or shanking a few. This came to light in the match as well, where he hit many forehands long around the second set onwards.


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