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"But the three-set format earlier on in the tournament, that is very dangerous. Who knows then who is in good shape and who is not. Usually when I play and win Wimbledon then I am in good shape at the U.S. Open and I think just today how the conditions are, then if you play good then you play good everywhere.

"It's hard to see someone win all four—I mean Paris, Wimbledon, the Olympics and the U.S. Open—and I don't think anyone is thinking of something that crazy at the moment. I think we are all taking it one by one.”---Roger Federer

It will, after all, be an unusually intense period of tennis. The end of May will see the French Open, the end of June Wimbledon, the end of July the Wimbledon Olympics and the end of August the US Open.

The tennis season has typically enjoyed nearly a two-month hiatus after Wimbledon (more fully appreciated in past years because of the groundbreaking finals that have been played there). In 2012, it will simply roll on, major, seemingly, to major.

The big debate has centred on whether the Wimbledon Olympics deserves the reverence in which it is being held by top players. Traditionalists have suggested that playing it there would demean the glory of winning at the All-England Club, or that somehow playing a best-of-three-set tournament at the world’s most prestigious tennis club is somehow beneath it.


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Will Federer finally win it this time? He seems a bit worried in this quote about playing the three set format. 

Also, the white only dress code of the All England Lawn Club will be relaxed to allow for flag type colors during the Olympics!


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