Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Like tennis give-aways? I am keeping track of all that I find. The most recent additions are at the TOP. (Older contests may have expired). Feel free to post any you know of in the comments below and I will move them into the main list. Good luck!

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I just won tickets today to the American Idol finale, but I'd much rather have tickets to the French Open!

I couldn't accept the Idol tickets anyway. I'm in NYC, and it's just too little notice for me to make arrangements to travel to LA
How'd you do that?
Was it a sweepstakes?
Oops. i didn't meant to say "won" in terms of a contest. Although it felt like I had "won" because I'm such a crazy A. Idol fan. No, what happened was that I had put my name on the waiting list back in November of last year. And yesterday I got an email saying that I had two seats! I had to email the person back and decline the tickets (they weren't transferable), which really sucked. Next year, I'll have to make sure to be in LA that week.
TennisPlaza gives away a racquet every single month. For the month of June it is a Boris Becker V1 MP Tennis Racquet, $219.99 value.


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