Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Lets get this area of the forum going. It doesn't have to be tennis related I guess. But I'll throw one out there for you to chew on -

It is SERIOUSLY distracting for the service returner to return the missed first serve when it is clearly going long. Like, what? Am I your freaking ball boy? I'm trying to serve here. It kills the rhythm to stop between 1st and 2nd serves to clean up after your lazy opponent.

OK, glad I got that off my chest.
Can anyone please concur and let me know that this is a reasonable request. :-)

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Returning OUT serves is a HUGE pet peeve of mine as well..Or when people go get your missed 1st serve and pick it up even though its not any where near the playing surface..I also hate it when my students forget the score and have to ask their opponent. I REALLY HATE THIS!!!

My number 1 teaching pet peeve is parents that come up to me and ask why their child isnt really improving fast enough even though they take 1 half hour lesson each week..I say BECAUSE your child is only taking 1 half hour lesson each week, then doesnt pick up a racket till the next lesson..
you just hit it right on the head. i get on parents for not taking the time to bring their kids to the court between lessons which are 7 days apart. they don't want to hear it but i tell it like it is.
And the parents respond with, "But my kid spends 3 hours a day playing Topspin 4 on the XBOX."  LOL.  But seriously, I have people who take 1 lesson and stop because they expected to be Agassi after a lesson!  The don't see any improvement and think lessons aren't worth it.  There are so many reasons why people do not improve, but they don't listen to you!  They think you're some Genie that grants them the tennis skills just because they show up and pay for the lesson.
I think this is also a symptom of our instant-gratification society.  Everyone expects everything to be quick these days.  No one has patience and this game takes a lot of it.
Okay, I have a pet peeve! No one has responded to "Tennis Etiquette!" Come on folks....this is the only way us newbies can learn the stuff that no one talks about on the courts!
Oops! My bad! I forgot to say, pretty please? It would be great info for those of us who are not yet familiar with what is expected on the courts. Thanks!
no walking around the court while a ball is in play. if the court has two gates and you happen to be at the gate close to where there are people playing, don't try taking the short cut just to get to the open court. if someone did that, i use them for target practice serving, they'll get the message next time. only on adults. i tell the kids to go around. i know i'm mean but you need to get it through to them quick.
as far as attire goes, during the old days, all white was the rule. today, decent clothing for play with the proper tennis shoes....NO RUNNING SHOES OR ANY BLACK SOLED SHOES ON THE COURT. IT LEAVES NASTY MARKS.
this is just a few of them.
Thanks! That is a great start!
For most of us:
Do not play with a ball on the court... it can cause seriouys injury, please pick up all balls before play.
REMEMBER if you do NOT see it OUT; it's IN. If in doubt; it's IN
For the more serious, alway check the net height before a match and remove any debris
Also-- Have Fun... that's the idea
when playing a set always call your lines loud enough so they can hear you unless it's obvious. hand signals are acceptable. if you're serving, call out the score before you serve...
I must say, I consider myself a beginner but it is a bit irritating when the opponent does not attempt to play or is goofy about calling out the score. Be honest please, tell your partner how you feel about certain things and work it out. I agree with Mark, having fun is the idea, so relax and enjoy the game.

Thanks Jun! When you say call your lines, does that mean when you call it long or wide? I am new to tennis lingo, but I really want to learn!


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