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Lets get this area of the forum going. It doesn't have to be tennis related I guess. But I'll throw one out there for you to chew on -

It is SERIOUSLY distracting for the service returner to return the missed first serve when it is clearly going long. Like, what? Am I your freaking ball boy? I'm trying to serve here. It kills the rhythm to stop between 1st and 2nd serves to clean up after your lazy opponent.

OK, glad I got that off my chest.
Can anyone please concur and let me know that this is a reasonable request. :-)

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Hey Archi,

I've never experienced that! That's gottta be a real nerve jerker.
My TENNIS pet peeve? The only one I have is when my doubles partner loses his cool. I don't mean like J Mac, more like Murray. Real meltdown. Then we win after all. Great guy, great player, It's just the emotions I can do without.

Biggest pet peeve right now is at my job. Retail clothing. The customer comes in and states "Y'all ain't got [fill in blank]." First, ya just got here. Second, you haven't asked me anything. Third, you're standing beside it. ANNOYING!

Really? What level tennis do you play? I've noticed that the 3.5 guys I end up playing do it far more than the 4.0 or 4.5 guys do.

Retail - I do not envy you. Ya'll aint got.... too funny. So Texas somewhere? maybe...
I don't really have a level, I don't think. We just play at the local park LOL! We all get our racquets from Wal-Mart and such, so I'd probably get my butt kicked by just about everyone on the board. Eventually I'd like to learn about string tension, racquet wieght and all that spec stuff. I'll probably hurt myself less!

Ah man, Mississippi. Jackson, no less. At least I don't live IN Jackson, just commute! I've lived here all my life and I like it to an extent, but it's hard to find a court around here. When I was a kid all the courts were new and ubiquitous!! Now there are only 2 that are open to the public withouth membership requirements. And those are pretty beat up as well. I think that goes up there as one of my greatest pet peeves!
My parents are from Jackson! I used to go there 2 times a year at least. My dad's an old timer - he tells me that you used to have to put dimes in the tennis court lights to turn them on. I love Jackson. My grandparents were members of the club with the water tower painted like a golf ball on a tee. I played a little on those courts when I was young. There were some courts in a pretty park... let me remember... i can't... on the south side of an east-west street. oh shucks - but last time I was there, those were still being used.

I know what you're saying though, public tennis courts are disappearing.
A dime?! A quarter these days! I can't even begin to recall how much money I've put into those blasted lights! LOL!

The only ones left now are in Clinton (smaller town recently annexed by Jackson) and Hico Park. Then there is Parham Bridges (used to go there all the time when I was a kid), and Battlefield Park, which requires a USTA membership, or a per-hour fee. Between Clinton and Hico, I'd say Hico is better looking with less cracks. All they need now is a back board.

Ah, it's all so depressing...
Ah Clinton! My mom was born there... but those aren't the ones I'm thinking of. I'll get my dad to chime in on this dicussion.
Battlefield Park courts were the only "good" public courts in the late 50's. Run by Dorothy Vest who also moved to run Parham Bridges when it was built. In 1959, I played for Murrah and we won the state High school championship... way back when. good luck I always heard if you play one a week you will slowly get worse ; twice a week you will slightly inprove and more goves you a good chance at improvement ... TYry it..
Wow, that is some cool information!
We've kinda sidetracked this thread, but all in good measure.

I'll definitely put in the practice come spring. Maybe then I can join a league and such.

Have a good one!

Was it Parham Bridges Park? At the corner of Ridgewood Dr and Old Canton Rd (the east-west rd?) next to that other park that used to have the metal rocketship you could climb up inside? (Everyone, I'm Mark's cousin and remember this stuff too - I'm not some psycho...)
i used to manage a retail clothing store years ago. i feel your pain.
I have brought up my objection to this peeving practice several times and in most instances the returner objects to my objecting... like it is his right to practice any serve return.
how about people not having the courtesy to wait until a point is finished? there was one time i actually served wide and the passerby was hit by the ball. i also intentionally ran into someone while trying to chase a ball down. knocked them out pretty good. they get all mad at me. i just tell them, you need to learn some tennis etiquette. i also kicked a few people off the court because they were being disruptive while i was towards the end of a lesson i was giving. there are many more instances where i had to be rude to get my point across. something i don't like to be but i had to do it.


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