Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hi. I am thinking about opening a tennis shop in my area. Does anyone now where to start?

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Here are some suggestions Prepare a good business plan. There are numerous resources out there at your liesure. Part of that plan should include a lot of Homework: a. demographic/economic analysis b. small business analysis c. Research of your local city and state govt. assistance for small business.
Just remember that 90% of small business fails the first three years and that is why planning ahead and being prepared makes all the big difference. Luck also plays a big role so hold on to your rabbits foot.
Inventory and atleast 2 years capital to keep your business running will be your biggest challenge. "Prepared for the worst and hope for the best". <--- Live by those words. No one is lending money right now so venture capitalists will be your best choice unless you just have plenty of money to gamble with which by the way is what your doing but no one says you can't be calculated. My honest opinion though is timing right now even with tennis in the up and up is not ideal. Get all your eggs in your basket and time it accordingly because, "Timing is everything."
I hope I didn't rain on your parade but speaking from experience where I can actually say been there done that I felt it necessary to share my $0.02 Good luck!
thanks oneluv for the info! I already own 2 successful small businesses so I was just looking for start-up information about opening a tennis shop, and see how other people have done it.
Hi Stepfanie,
Congratulations on your plan! Sounds like fun... and a lot of hard work.
You should ask some people that own tennis shops. I know we have about 12 or 13 tennis shop owners as members. Look up Joey at NothingButTennis or Ben at TennisZone. They will be real helpful. Actually, here is a list of the shop owners, drop them a note to ask for advice.


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