Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

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tennisopolis ranks 11th =( haha...
ouoch! That's always the case because we have a lot of *new* players that don't follow that much *yet*. And, I bring us down - there's that too. ;-)
At the risk of getting in trouble again, I have to say that any team that can be behind a team ( whose members include someone whose quarter-final picks are ...

(Q) Philipp Petzschner beats (15) Fernando Gonzalez
(7) David Nalbandian beats (13) Stanislas Wawrinka
(Q) Izak van der Merwe beats Donald Young
Tommy Haas beats Ivo Minar

... deserves some kind of respect :-)

You've done well to reach the 5-8th playoffs in the team KO comp though and to have mikeindo in the individual top 30.
thank YOU!
you're a badass. I'll see you this weekend!
thank YOU! :)
i'm surprised no one's posted since the final. good for rafa but i sense all is not right in the world with federer not as the wimbledon champion...
there's only one slam left. can u believe it?! for roger? he has to win the U.S. Open.
early prediction: he does. cuz wasnt it about this time last year that all the pounding on his knees started affecting rafa? no one else can touch roger. or is it wishful thinking?


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