Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Free 2 day shipping on items over $75, everything else ships free ground

Isn't it nice to find a tennis store that ships tenns balls at no cost? Do we lose money on it? Yes, but what the heck, let's make it easy for everyone to spend their gas money getting to the courts not burning gas buying equipment for the courts :-)

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Any other promotions everyone would like to see by a retailer?
Free 2-day shipping is awesome. Do you have a demo program?
Hope so because I'm ready to demo the Djokovic racquet....
I've decided by NTour2's are too head heavy and too small a head - 95 seems a bit small these days.
Hoping to launch our online demo program before the end of the year. We're working on it :-)
You guys rock! Just wish you sold tennis ball machines......


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