Neighborhood or other helpful location info: San Pablo Park or Other Berkeley Courts
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Mostly play at the Promenade Park Courts
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: 628 Columbine Ave, Cedar Park TX 78613
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Andulka Park Tennis Center on Chicago Ave.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: SW Portland Hillsdale / MapleWood / Gabriel Park / Multnomah
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Upper East Side - Central Park Courts Only
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Ruth Hardy,Palm Springs,Jacob's Park,Yucca Valley
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Round Rock, Cedar Park, N. Austin, Georgetown, TX
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: riverwoods, deerfield, highland park, buffalo grove, lincolnshire, etc
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