Neighborhood or other helpful location info: WPB okeeheelee park or Area Gun Club Congress Ave .
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: alhambrapark , arroyo vista park or el sereno tennis courts
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Downtown Orlando; can play at OTC or Fort Gatlin
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Usually teach Mr. Wall a thing or two in San Marcos or Austin, when not on "ATP tour," lol.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Anaheim Hills, Yorba Linda, Villa Park or Orange Hills Areas
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Stapleton (live), city park, wash park or others for playing
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: La Quinta or Oakley, California. I spend time in both locations.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Plateau - easier to text or call me up 514 621 1878
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Leimert Park, near the Dorsey High or Crenshaw High tennis courts
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