Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Portland, OR; Bainbridge Island WA, Newport Beach CA
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: near Mclean (morning/evening) or Rockville (weekday evening)
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Any courts near San Mateo or Foster City
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: courts around san jac college or strawberry park
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Like to play at Altura or Jerry Kline
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Ballston area or Bluemont - Arlington, VA, United States
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Ocean View or UCLA are best for me
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: H Street NE (home) or Van Ness (work)
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Like to play in Palo Alto or Milpitas area.
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