Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Singer Island / West Palm Beach, Florida
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: miami-fort laudedale florida and brooklyn ny
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Space Coast, Central Florida, Melbourne and the Beaches
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Daytona Beach, St Augustine FLORIDA
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: miami beach florida / nyc the other half of the time
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Florida,across the river from the space shuttle launch pad
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, Florida
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I have access to courts at various locations in southeast Florida
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I play and/or I have played in : Coral Gables, South Miami Beach, and along the Florida coast from Miami to West Palm Beach.
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